World Peace

World peace can be obtained by the Grace of God. World has not yet known the power of God's Grace. God's Grace works above forgiving one another and it is done only with the help of spirit of God.

World has disputes because of many facts like self-praise, self-glory, competition, greed, hunger for power and differences like skin color, economy, standard of living and religion. Culture, tradition, festivals, religion, gods, casts and racism separate the world.

It is not the border on the land that breaks down the world into countries and regions. It is the difference in the heart that makes barriers. It is not the citizenship that makes us. It is not the country that makes us. Sania Mirza, an Indian tennis player married a Pakistani cricketer, Shoaib Malik.

Love has no citizenship. It is global. Whether India or Pakistan, love has no banner. It does not fall under any name. It does not bow infront of any religion. People like Sania Mirza can really make a new world of peace by taking action of unity.

It is true that unity with God is the real unity, however, the same unity teaches us to think above the barriers that mankind has made.

Apart from the countries, there is world within us. The world that has no barrier within is the real world. Peace comes to the heart first and then to the world outside too. When the barrier between God and us is removed, it leads us towards world peace.

Only God has power to change us because we need God's spirit to be transformed. It can be said that it is the spiritual change that happens. It can also be said that it is the change of goodness only where evil, hatred does not exists at all.

Taking revenge does not come into thinking. So, when revenge is not in the thinking, then there is no need of anything else like compromising too. World can be controlled only by the Grace of God. Without His Grace there cannot be an permanent and real solution of peace and unity.