Overcoming Hatred

How to overcome hatred? The world seems to be full of hatred because of lack of goodness within. Every good heart would remain peaceful within unlike what is seen these days.

What is the reason for hatred? I have always seen Indians hating the Pakistanis. I have yet not observed the Pakistanis because I am an Indian. I don't know what the Pakistanis think about the Indians, however, most of the Indians hate the people of Pakistan. It might be the same in Pakistan also.

I have also met a few Indians who say that Pakistani people are very good in behavior. More than the Indians, Pakistanis would be good with the Indians. I remember how I was ill-treated by the Keralites during my 1 year stay in Kerala state of India. I would say that Pakistanis would have treated me much better.

I also got a chance to write for a website that was owned by a Pakistani webmaster. Since I was a freelancer, I never bothered about the country, all I wanted was work at that time.

I observed that the website as well as the owner of the website were same as I would be. I could not really differentiate between the thinking of an Indian and a Pakistani webmaster. I wrote articles on technical reviews, Facebook covers, wallpapers and latest computers and mobiles. I was paid good and on time. There was no sign of cheating. I mean I know that in God's Grace we find everything good, but I have often heard that Pakistanis are good.

In my view, there are some political powers that try to bring differences between the Indians and the Pakistanis for obtaining some political intentions. Basically, Pakistan and India are not the neighboring countries. They are brothers. There are similar yet not united.

Both India and Pakistan have many festivals that are celebrated in a similar manner. It was a complete political decision of separating the Indians and the Pakistanis. Both the countrymen were provoked at the time of British rule.

After studying the history, I observed that Emperor Akbar ruled India respecting all the religions. The British chose the 'Divide and rule' and separated Hindus and Muslims on the basis of superficial religion. People got tempted and it continues even until this day. Today, India has many Muslims and Pakistan has many Hindus, so what was the use of the partition? I thought upon this.

Instead of taking side of the Hindus or the Muslims, Indians or the Pakistanis, I would rather say that I have learnt to see life as a whole world. Basic life and its need only. No need of luxuries. Understanding one another, loving one another by the Grace of God.

Removing the superficial religion tag and learning to think above it would make things much better. Thinking only about life with Grace of God. Thinking about how to remain peaceful without compromising.

'Samjhota' means 'compromising' is generally done between India and Pakistan. Well, there is no real peace due to compromising. It is temporary settlement, however, true peace comes only after true correction. Compromising happens in the court and law rule, however, correction happens in the Grace of God.

I call it one religion or pure religion that speaks more about correcting thyself. A religion that is not offended and thinks above forgiving one another. Such a religion is only by the Grace of God.

Now the question would arise, 'Which God?' What is the name of that God that would bring Grace upon all removing the fact of hatred? Well, hatred can be removed only after correcting thyself. Do we really need the name of God and religion every time? All that we need is Grace alone. Grace is sufficient. Unity with God of Grace is sufficient.

Being spiritual first, loving unconditionally is sufficient. It is the transformation from evil (humanly good) to good only (godly good). It is a process of learning. Such a goodness is learn't. Thus, both Indians and Pakistanis need to learn to overcome hatred for one another.

I gave an example of Indians and Pakistanis, but there are many such countries that are fighting. It is not about winning by making others lose it. It is all about winning by making others also win it. How can this happen?

It happens only by His Grace. It happens by taking first step of decision. It is also not about proving oneself right by proving others wrong. It is all about correcting thyself without recording the wrongdoings of others.

Taking decision to overcome the hatred would allow God's Grace to work in our life. First we go through the worst and then we reach the best. Peace ONLY is best.