Life Has No Failures At All

Truly speaking our life has no failures. When we think seriously for a while, we realize that nothing goes out of life. We only receive, receive and receive. This is not a positive thinking. This is the reality of our life.

In case anything goes out then that is fear within us. As the tree grows it becomes stronger in the environment. Sometimes, it grows amazing and much more stronger than other trees. It depends upon us. Growing stronger does not mean making others fall down. It does not even mean making others weak. It means growing stronger enough to give support to others.

This support comes automatically though it is not mandatory. A tree can grow tall, strong and be alone or it can grow giving support to the weaker ones. The weaker ones need support. Many need support and they do not realize the need of that support. So, they deny it, reject it and spit on it. Again this is not a failure.

This time the tree learns that giving support to others also comes gradually. Many people say that failures come because we may learn from them. But failure never comes, it does not even go out. It does not exists in real. What exists in our life is the opposite of failure.

Now, why would it seem that we have failed? Well, I think that pruning of a tree is not its failure, am I correct? But it might hurt the tree for a time being and it might seems that it failed as it had long branches earlier. Now, the short pruned branches symbolized much more growth as compared to what the tree had earlier.

So, failure does not happen in real. What happens is growth only. Again, this is the truth that does not fail. So, turning back into the past would seem to be a big failure, but since life has no failure, it has growth only. The pruning would look awkward for the moment, but soon it gives rise to new fresh healthy branches.

Life is the same. It has pruning and no failures at all. Many things happen. We fall down, get crushed, because we have not yet understood the real meaning of life. Now, since life has come to us, we have understood it very well that it has no failures at all.

It is again not a perspective, it is truth that exists in real. Loosing anyone or anything in life is pruning and it is needful at that moment. Know the truth and truth shall set you free. Life does not tell us to get uprooted, it adds Grace to what we have to make the best out of it. That is what life is all about.

Grace is applied to us to what we are and not to what we are not. We are life in real. So, Grace is applied to our life to make us much more real. At times, we cry feeling the failure which does not exists. It is like feeling a ghost which does not exists.

Some people believe in ghosts, some people do not. So, it depends. Some people believe in the truth and some people do not. That does not change the truth at all. Truth remains the same. Similarly, some people believe that failures in life make them stronger. Some people keep regretting about the failures in life.

Some people commit suicide because of the blame and shame that so called failures have caused. However, when the truth is revealed that there are no failures in real, then there is no blame and no shame too. This is known as thinking above the myths about life. Truth says that failures exists is a myth. I have also realized the same and that is what made me write this here boldly.

Whatever one may think, the truth still remains the same. Life has no failures at all.