Grace Help

Grace help is an everlasting help because Grace does work permanently. Since only goodness is everlasting, Grace help is good only. Results of Grace help are good only.

I use the words "Grace help" where God comes to help, where God sends His spirit to help. This starts with comfort and then correction. All the distorted things in the world need Grace help. It is a procedure. Grace helps the decent way, unconditional way and is timely.

Since Grace is harmless, it remains harmless for all. It does not harm at all. So, taking help from Grace of God is sufficient for all. It solves all the problems.

For example, the unsolved ongoing long time disputes between India and Pakistan can be solved permanently only by Grace help. The 'samjhota' or 'compromising' that happens many a times between India and Pakistan is not a solution at all.

Grace help eradicates the problem. It starts with the scratch in solving the problem. It removes the hurdles gradually. It starts with the basic things like eradicating hurt and discomfort. It has happened to me in my life. When asked for Grace help, I got abundant comfort and freedom from deepest hurt too. I was comforted to great extent and pampered too. The comfort and pampering is as per the need to built up confidence and make one stand alone on the cornerstone of Grace.

Grace help comes from God. God our Father does that for us with His own Mercy and Empathy. God wants to have Mercy only. Helping means unconditional without asking for anything in return. Also, I never heard God saying, "I want glory out of it". Nor did God say,"You do for me, I will do for you". He always said."You live." That's it.

When I took help from the world, they expected some or the other thing in return. It was like give and take. Sometimes, it was help for help. Then I thought of asking help from God of Grace. He said,"Take help". He never said,"Help others". It was all free for me.

Also, God never asked me to say 'Thank you' to Him. Moreover, most of those whom I helped never expressed gratitude towards me. So, it is like God knows our heart. It is sufficient that we feel that gratitude within for what God has been doing for us. So, Grace help would not even expect a word of gratitude because a graceful heart is always in gratitude towards the Grace help. Finally, I learn't not to expect even a word of 'Thank you' in return of Grace help that I did. Things automatically turn good.

However, as we get we give. So, I found that giving Grace help is also good. I helped many with Grace help gradually. After some time, I learn't to take Grace help only and that is given by God only. So, taking help from human being was no more in my dictionary. When God wanted to help me through someone, then that would have happened, but I knew that it is Grace help only because I asked help only to God.

I learn't that unconditional help comes only from the Grace of God. Afterall, He is the God of unconditional love.

Like Daniel Miles had been helping me to understand the Grace of God. As I went on learning, he knew that he should let God's spirit handle it. So, after I learn't to be independent, I took Grace help from God directly.

Grace help takes things lightly and is no burden on anyone. A burden full of help is forced help which is not the real help. So, asking Grace help to God of Grace is the best.