Thinking Above

Thinking above is limitless. There are many limitations that can be overcomed by the Grace of God. God's Grace exists when thinking is above all. God's grace is sufficient when it is above all.

Only above all thinking is graceful. That is the real wise thinking. Thinking wisely is learn't by the Grace of God. Godly wisdom is originally of the Grace of God and hence He is the source of all graceful thoughts. This means that God becomes our Father because wise thinking originates from Him.

Wise thinking is above all. It thinks above the limitations the world has. It thinks above shame, blame, deceit, rejection and condemnation. God has no evil within and thus a graceful heart. 'No evil thinking' means graceful thinking that thinks wisely without any contamination. This also means that only purely wise thinking is the real wisdom that originates from the Grace of God.

God does not need any 'thing' to help us with His wisdom. It is His wisdom that He shares with us for free because He wants to share all the good things and only Godly thinking is good. For example: I never had to buy that 'thing' holy book to know, understand and have the thinking above all. God's Grace is sufficient. He knows how to share His unconditional love with us all.

Only thinking above all is good and it is good only and only good. Let's think upon this truth. There are many 'this and that' that can be good, however, thinking above all is only good. I call it 'purely good'.

That which is not best is still better and good, however, best never condemns or sees down on what is not best. For example: I do not see down on those who are same-sex, who watch nude movies and who take drugs. I wait until they are set free truly. That is thinking above all.

I am best only when I do not look down upon the better, good and even the worst. This means that thinking above is all about no condemnation. Best sees better and good as OK. It is still OK to be better and good. A perfectionist automatically becomes perfect by learning.

For example: Micheal Jackson is the best dancer ever. However, other dancers are still better and good. It is OK. Even the bathroom singer and dancer is still OK.

So, while we KNOW the best one, the God of Grace, we remain calm and tolerate the better and the good one also. No condemnation at all. The worst can be tolerated too because when we think above we think the best and the best never condemns even the worst.

'Condemnation does not exist' in the above all thinking. All that exist is giving Grace of God to all. Thinking above all the condemnations of the world. Grace comes from our Father and thus we are also not condemned at all. Such a graceful act happens in real. This means that we find love above all.

Love above all is unconditional love. Such a love is only of Graceful God. He shares that love with us and we learn to love the same with all. When we talk about 'ALL' we talk about love above all. That's why God is our loving Father. Truly speaking Only God is our loving Father. I thought upon this.

It is not imaginary, but it happens all real. He protects us, He cares for us and Much More. His Grace becomes amazing and increases when an end comes. End comes when perfection comes and it comes on its own. When perfection comes the thinking above comes. This means when end comes, God's love above all also comes.